When I was sixteen, life was about who looked the prettiest? It was about growing nails, painting them, eating oily and spicy from the vendors with no concern over hygiene, craving for the limelight, desiring appreciation and compliments and wearing fancy clothes. It was all about ME . Me in the NOW time with no visualization of the future. Life was easy. To me, grades were easy, money- moderately easy, and luck- didn’t ever complain. Evening with friends and night in deep sleep, morning with regular routine and afternoon random chattering - some self-generated but largely inspired by the social media. When I turn back and look at that sixteen year old me, I see a brain fogged teenager, rather naïve. Nevertheless, life was fun. Ignorance was bliss. When I was nineteen, I was put in a life-race. It was still foggy but I could see my opponents running beside me. The social current turned me to a direction based upon my academic performance and I kep...